Great GIFTS, Terrariums, Stephanotis, Tulsi, and Million Bells

Great GIFTS, Terrariums, Stephanotis, Tulsi, and Million Bells

17th Dec 2021

9-5pm Mon-Sat, 10-4pm Sunday

CLOSED Dec 25th, 26th and Jan 1st
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From all the staff at Botanical Creations, we wish you a safe and joyous festive season and start to 2022.

Check out our top three gift ideas for the festive season.

Stephanotis, or Madagascan jasmine has waxy, starry white blooms with a very fragrant perfume. The flowers are borne in clusters for most of the year. Grows up to 6m in morning sun, this evergreen twining climber, is suited to trellises and garden structures. Choose a spot where you can enjoy its perfume.
Grow in strong morning sun, loves a rich, well-drained soil with plenty of mulch to keep the roots cool. A position with plenty of tropical or sub-tropical climate is best.


Cute pot designs by artist Michelle Allen go beautifully paired with unique indoor plants.


We have a range of terrariums for a gift like none other. See you in store to choose!

Instagram Inspiration
Beautiful gift: unique plants in cute designer pots for the festive season.

Million Bells 

Also known as Million Bells, Calibrachoa are perfect as a trailing ground-cover or spilling over a hanging basket. Calibrachoa plants will be covered in masses of small Petunia-like flowers for most of the year, making them a real highlight, especially when planted en masse.

This range has been bred to grow as a naturally compact mound of colour naturally, delivering a beautiful rounded highlight for gardens or pots with their uniformity of colour, extra long flowering time and resistance to Powdery Mildew. They are compact and easy to maintain and will provide an abundance of colour for many months of the year.


The long awaited carnivorous plants are back! These plants have adapted special traps in order to gain energy due to their natural soils which are very low in nutrients, this allows them to consume and digest insects and bugs.

Carnivorous plants like to be in a very sunny spot and like to be kept moist at all times, this can be achieved next to a sunny windowsill sitting in a shallow saucer of water or if watered frequently during the warmer months. Do not fertilize and pot in sphagnum or peat moss or any other potting medium with no added nutrients. Feeding the traps with both dead or alive insects is acceptable.

Alocasia ‘Red Secret’ in Matte Black Orchid Pot

This Alocasia has red-like dark leaves with gorgeous purple undersides. Paired with this black pot, the Alocasia ‘Red Secret’ will contrast well with the greenery of your indoor jungle. 

It will grow best in moist, well-drained soil in warm, humid environments. Position in a bright spot away from direct sunlight. Fertilise and water more often in the warmer growing season, but watering less and not fertilising at all in winter. 

Holy Basil Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum)
In a lovely ceramic planter

An easy to use herb that enchances other herbs and should be added just prior to serving . Mix with geranium nutmeg, mexican tarragon and lime balm for an aromatic herbal tea.

This green leafy plant, also known as Ocimum sanctum L. and tulsi, is native to Southeast Asia. It has a history within Indian medicine as a treatment for many conditions, from eye diseases to ringworms.

From the leaves to the seed, holy basil is considered a tonic for the body, mind, and spirit. Different parts of the plant are recommended for treating different conditions.

Many studies support the use of the entire plant of holy basil for human use and its therapeutic value,  as it contains: vitamin A and C, calcium, zinc, iron and chlorophyll

All parts of the holy basil plant act as an adaptogen. An adaptogen is a natural substance that helps your body adapt to stress and promotes mental balance.

The concept of an adaptogen is a holistic approach. But scientific research shows that holy basil has pharmacological properties to help your mind cope with many types of stress.


Water Plants When You Forget

Water Crystals are super absorbent with each crystal capable of holding hundreds of times its own weight with water. Plant roots penetrate the expanded water crystal and extract moisture as the plant requires. Whenever water is added, the crystals re-absorb and store the moisture. This absorption-release cycle of the crystals repeats continuously.

Increased plant growth
Greater water storage
Greater nutrient holding capacity
Saves water & time


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Only closed DEC 25-26th JAN 1st. 
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