NEW BLACK ZZ, Aussie Finger Limes & Fab Foliage

NEW BLACK ZZ, Aussie Finger Limes & Fab Foliage

3rd Mar 2023

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Zanzibar Gem 'Jungle Warrior'

'Jungle Warrior' is a new variety of the very tough and low-maintenance Zanzibar Gem. The new growth is a glossy, light green colour that matures to a deep black. These super hardy indoor plants require very little watering. Allow the soil to dry out completely between watering, water about once a month to every few weeks in the warmer months and even less so in winter. Position in a bright room away from direct sunlight for best results, although the Zanzibar Gem can also tolerate lower light conditions. 

Dainty flower texture but the plants are as tough as boots! 


‘Albury White’ has masses of pure white flowers that cover the compact tree which grows 5m x 3m . With dark green leaves emerging in spring that change to warm yellow, orange and red tones in autumn before dropping they are a delight year round. Crepe Myrtles are grown for their elegant clusters of blooms that resemble crinkled crepe paper which are on display in summer, and their attractive mottled trunk.

Crepe Myrtles love heat and will tolerate a wide range of soils ranging from heavy to sandy. They benefit from a slow-release fertiliser application in spring and pruning to maintain shape. Pruning in winter encourages new flowering wood for next summer.

So Cool Violet has a striking flower colour of deep purple with high volume of blooms produced in spring, summer and autumn. Very compact and dense growth make it atop choice for the mid level of the garden. Low maintenance, dry tolerant and easy to grow. Grows well in most soil types which are well draining.  Prune after main flowering to encourage faster re-bloom and to maintain a neat habit. Apply a slow release fertiliser in spring to improve overall vigour.
Height: 70cm Spread: 1m


'Purple Moon' is a specially selected NEW low mounding, ground covering variety which carries larger flowers than normally found in this species. In addition it has a more vigorous growth habit forming a neat and dense mat ideal for quick results in barren garden areas and also perfect for hanging baskets. The violet-blue flowers open by unfurling 'pleats' to form the strongly flared tube. They first begin appearing from late spring and will continue right through to autumn.

 Cool colour filled with Inspiration- Carolyn

Fantastic Foliage

We have so many new and exciting indoor plants in this week! With their exciting coloured and patterned foliage these varieties are sure to add some interest to your indoor jungle! 

Maranta leuconeura 'Prayer Plant'
Monstera adansonii 'Monkey Mask'
Calathea musaica
Begonia rex

Position in a bright room away from direct sunlight. Allow soil to dry out slightly between watering. Water more often in summer and less so in the cooler months. Fertilise with Maxicrop, particularly in the warmer months to promote new growth.


Instagram Inspiration
Heaps of Exciting Indoors just arrived!

Mushroom Fairy with Solar Lights
Delightful indoors or out as she doesn't mind the weather.

Includes rechargeable 600mAH Battery with solar panel

23cmL x 16cm x 23.5cm

Red Centre Lime

Red centre lime is a cross between finger lime and a Rangpur lime that produces lustrous red, egg shaped fruit about the size of a cumquat. The combination of ruby red skin with a luscious red citrus pulp and a tangy pink juice makes Red Centre Lime the perfect addition to your garden and fruit bowl. Red Centre Lime is winter fruiting. 

Harry's Fertilisers

Harry's make the best gardenia and daphne food around. A specialised blend of nutrients and trace elements, Harry's Daphne and Gardenia food will get your plants looking spectacular for Spring.

Gardenia food available in 1kg and 5kg tubs, and Daphne food available in a 600g tub

Also, click to see our range of Gardenias and Daphnes


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PH (03) 95719922
Only closed DEC 25-26th JAN 1st. 
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