OPEN Cup Day Weekend Vivid Vincas & Terrific Tomatoes

OPEN Cup Day Weekend Vivid Vincas & Terrific Tomatoes

28th Oct 2021

We are instore all Melbourne Cup Weekend 
Saturday 9am-5pm   Sunday 10am-5pm   Monday 9am-5pm   Tuesday 10am-4pm
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Vinca are fabulous sun loving annuals which will flower all the way into Autumn. Once you plant them you will want to enjoy them every year. Click to see the colour range. Twelve colours available this week. 


This beautiful species of Monstera are native to Equador and have deep green leaves with silver markings that begin to fade as the plant matures. They also can produce holes like other types of Monstera though lose these through age also. They look great in a hanging basket and can be a great compliment to any indoor home or office environment.

Keep in well drained soil and water when the soil feels dry or when the leaves are drooping. place in a well lit spot with out too much direct sun to prevent leaf burn.

Abundant Spring Blossom 

Malus ioensis 'Plena' with gorgeous pink globular buds which open to full pale pink blossom Malus ioensis Plena is probably the most commonly planted of all Crab Apples. It has an excellent spring floral display followed by small ornamental apples topped off by a splendid  autumn colour display. The Bechtel Crab Apple is a good choice for small to medium garden projects or where space is limited as is grows 6m tall and 4m wide. 

Loropetalum 'Plum Gorgeous' with the deepest, darkest coloured foliage found amongst the Loropetalums. It retains its colour year round offering colour contrast at mid level in the garden growing to 1.5m. With vivid deep raspberry coloured, tasseled flowers during spring and autumn Plum Gorgeous also offers an interesting floral display.  With a naturally dense, domed habit it is easy to grow with minimal maintenance. 

Ajuga ‘Catlins Giant’ an excellent ground cover that will form a carpet of large glossy coppery-purple leaves. In Spring it produces upright, purple flower spikes up to 20 cm high. It will grow best in a moist well drained soil in a sunny or partly shaded position. ‘Catlins Giant’ is a hardy plant once established, and will tolerate cold conditions. Protect from snails and slugs with an application of Multiguard pallets in spring and autumn. It will also benefit from an annual feed in Spring with organic fertiliser to keep it looking lush. 

Spring blossom filled with  inspiration -Carolyn

Tremendous Tomatoes
Melbourne Cup Week is the time to plant Tomatoes. 
You need to get them in now so they that time to crop for before the Autumn. With over 20 varieties to choose from you will have best selection this week. More then any other time of year. 
Don’t forget get stakes and tie. I like to cut 15cm off 15cm pieces of jolly tie and attach it up the stake at 20cm intervals. That way you are all prepped for the growing season and there is no excuse not to tie them up. 
think you don’t have space for tomatoes?? Try the tumbling varieties which are perfect for pots and don’t need staking. 
We recommend Fruit and Citrus Food and Maxicrop to ensure a bumper crop. 


We have lots of Basil varieties instore at the moment including Sweet Basil, Dark Opal Basil and Genovese Basil. The perfect herb to grow and pair with Tomatoes.

Genovese - Genovese basil has leaves that are slightly larger than sweet basil; further, they are flatter and come to a point. It is more aromatic than sweet basil and has dark green, shiny leaves. The taste of Genovese basil has been described as having hints of mint and clove while at the same time being peppery and spicy. Both varieties are interchangeable with only a slight difference in taste.

Dark Opal - has striking, dark-purple leaves, and a milder flavor than sweet basil, with hints of cinnamon, anise, mint, and clove. It’s a beautiful accent to salads or other uncooked summer dishes, either in addition to or in place of sweet basil 

Sweet - Sweet basil is the most common of all basil varieties. The leaves are medium green in color, and the leaf has a slight bow, similar to a cup. It has been known to repel mosquitos and is the variety most found on the shelves in a grocery store produce section. It has a subtle hint of pepper and mint and a strong flavor of anise. Rub it between your fingers and sniff the spicy, heady aroma.

Tomato & Vegetable Dust
Can be used on tomatoes, broccoli, zucchinis & other vegetables
A ready to use dust that kills and controls some of the major pests and diseases on tomatoes and vegetables. A dual action insecticide and fungicide that kills and controls caterpillars, cabbage white butterfly, aphids, powdery mildew & target spot.

400g/kg Sulphur (S) present as elemental sulphur
40g/kg Copper (Cu) present as copper oxychloride
0.25g/kg Spinosad


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ph (03) 95719922
Only closed DEC 25-26th JAN 1st. 
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