OPEN FRIDAY 9am Fragrant Gifts, Gingko, Velvet Indoors

OPEN FRIDAY 9am Fragrant Gifts, Gingko, Velvet Indoors

21st Oct 2021

We are instore for PHONE & ONLINE ORDERS 10-4pm Everyday
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Fragrance fills the air!
A gift that is a true herald of SPRING! The fragrance of this climber is inspirational.
140mm pot $14.99. 200mm pot $29.99 each 

Edibles producing gorgeous fruit and flowers. Strawberries, blueberries, citrus, finger lime and apples! 

Philodendron micans 'Velvet' in Orchid Pot Matte Black

Philodendron micans has beautiful, velvety heart-shaped leaves that can appear deep green or reddish depending on the light source. They have distinctive vine foliage which can be trained up a stake or trellis or allowed to trail from a hanging pot or up on a shelf. 

This philodendron prefers a humid spot. Place in a bright position indoors with indirect light, and water when soil feels dry or plant starts to droop. Water more in summer and liquid fertilise during the warmer months. 

If you could only have one tree it would be
Ginkgo biloba

Things are looking more like we will be able to travel again so we can dream of new destinations. My children will be able to tell you my favourite tree as they have been taken far and wide just to see Ginkgo biloba. From the streets of Tokyo and Yakahama, to ancient temple gardens, restaurants with bonsai and Victorian(Bright) parklands, Ginkgo is the most versatile of trees. There is only one species but a number of cultivars which means there are compact varieties like  GINKGO BILOBA FASTIGIATA which are perfect for your own garden.
Now we can contemplate our new adventures under the shade of this outstanding tree.
Come in and see them on display instore around our fountain as of 9am this Friday. 

A tree filled with  inspiration -Carolyn

Tumbling Tom Yellow

Tomato 'Tumbling Tom' produces heavy crops of sweet and juicy cherry tomatoes throughout summer.
This compact bush variety has a naturally trailing habit that will cascade over the sides of hanging baskets, containers and windowboxes making it an excellent variety for the urban container grower.

This tomato is great for hanging baskets. Hanging baskets can dry out, so make sure you do plenty of watering on those windy days. A handy tip, add some wetting agent, like rapid soak, to the hanging basket to retain plenty of water.

Requires full sun and plenty of fruit n cirus food to produce lots of flower and fruit. 

Fast-acting Fertilisers 

The Flourish range of soluble plant fertilisers are perfect for encouraging lots and lots of spectacular flower and fruit on most plant types.
Flourish Flowers & Foliage is a well balanced general feed that is quite high in potassium to encourage loads of flowering.
Flourish Orchid Booster has the highest amount of potash to ensure constant, large, lasting orchid blooms on both tropical species like Phalaenopsis, and cold weather species like Cymbidium.
Flourish Azalea & Camellia will encourage loads of flowers, while also keeping the soil on the acidic side of things which these plants need to thrive. Also very good for use on other acid lovers such as Blueberries


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ph (03) 95719922
Only closed DEC 25-26th JAN 1st. 
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