Outrageous Native Colour & WORLD'S HOTTEST CHILLI

Outrageous Native Colour & WORLD'S HOTTEST CHILLI

21st Oct 2022

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WOW! I'm blown away by this combo

 This new release Australian native Tea Tree has stunning upright branches smothered with masses of deep red flowers in mid-late spring. Suited to most soil types in full sun. An attractive screen plant. 1.8m x 1.8m. Trim back after flowering to shape and size.


Fireworks has compact blue foliage with electric pink and blue flowers. Bred by the clever team at Kings Park and Botanic Garden in Western Australia, creating unique flower colours never before seen in Kangaroo Paw. Best in a bright and sunny position. Remove old flower stems and leaves as close to base as possible. Water only when the top of the potting mix has dried out. Can be brought indoors to a bright position as a decorative piece for 1-2 weeks, before being returned to its outdoor position. Also fabulous as a long lasting cut flower.
Height 40cm x Width 40cm.

With all the colour we want to offset it with something more subtle. This very compact form of the Silver Cushion Bush from the West Coast of Tasmania is extremely hardy in most garden situations, growing only to 30cm x 30cm. It makes a striking contrast in any garden situation with its silver foliage and tiny yellow button flowers in spring/summer.

WOW filled with Inspiration- Carolyn


Osteospermum Voltage has unique clear yellow flowers with a darker center, held on very flexible stems. This hardy, easy to care for variety will reward you with an abundance of flowers over a long period, from early spring right through summer to early autumn. The mounded habit of Voltage makes it great for baskets, containers or garden beds.

Full sun, Height: 25-50cm, Width: 60-70cm

Monstera adansonii 'Monkey Mask' with Doric Sage Pot

This distinctive indoor is a clumping variety of the regular Monstera adansonii, producing oval-shaped fenestrations in the leaves. Monstera adansonii requires bright, indirect light. Allow soil to dry out slightly between watering, watering more in summer and less in winter. Fertilise more in the warmer months to boost growth. 

A great gift or addition to a shelf, desk or bedside table paired with this sage pot. 

Chilli - Carolina Reaper
 A medium sized bush with masses of bright red, extremely hot fruit.

Developed by American breeder Ed Currie, the pepper is red and gnarled, with a bumpy texture and small pointed tail. In 2017, Guinness World Records declared it the hottest chili pepper in the world, surpassing the previous record set by the Trinidad Scorpion "Butch T"

Chillis form an integral part of many Asian and Latin American dishes along with some European, African and North American.There are many forms that vary in colour, shape, flavour and of course heat. This is a smaller sized, square fruit with a rough skin. It is extremely hot and as such it should not be eaten raw and only used in small amounts in cooked food. 

Plant in a protected spot out of fierce sunlight and wind in a well drained but moist soil. May need some support when it ages. Do not overwater during winter.

Height 70cm x 70cm Width 


Protect Your Roses

Spray with Rose Spray Ready-to-Use or Concentrate to treat all common pests and diseases on your rose plants and other ornamentals.

Now roses are in full swing, growing lots of new foliage and flower buds, it's time to keep an eye out for insects like aphids and fungal diseases like black spot and powdery mildew.

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