PERENNIAL FOXGLOVE, Coastal-Hardy Trio & Colour Indoors

PERENNIAL FOXGLOVE, Coastal-Hardy Trio & Colour Indoors

14th Jan 2022

9-5pm Mon-Sat, 10-4pm Sunday

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The NEW  RAVE RANGE of Calibrichoa have arrived in an array of colours and patterns. As sun lovers they are great for adding a splash of long lasting colour to a sunny garden bed or pot. 
CALIBRACHOA 14CM: 3 FOR $40.00 or 14.99 ea 

If you know me well you will know you can never have enough purple in the garden. This weeks combo is so hardy you could plant them in a coastal garden.

With architectual vivid purple flower spires up to 2.5m tall, ECHIUM CANDICANS makes a statement in a sunny garden with a bit of space. They are quick growing and that's why this week they are 50% OFF. Pride of Madiera as it is known is a large, woody perennial with sword shaped, glaucous leaves with a raspy/rough texture. Plant now for a spectacular spring display. Clip off old, spent flower heads and tip prune after flowering.Leggy specimens can be cut back hard to encourage density.

In full bloom at the moment PEREZII BLUE is a very hardy and outstanding perennial for water wise gardens. Tall clusters of tiny, deep mauve flowers are produced throughout much of the year.
Ornamental foliage is evergreen and forms an attractive, rounded mound.Can be mass planted for low maintenance areas or low, edging borders.
Performs best in a full sun position in most soil types which are well draining.
Apply a complete fertiliser during early spring and remove spent blooms after main flowering to tidy and encourage further displays.
Ideal for use in coastal gardens, rockeries and perennial borders. Foliage forms a crown of large, leathery leaves that offer textural interest in garden plantings year round and should not be overlooked as a feature on its own. Creating large groups of 3-5 plants or borders of this limonium will result in a low maintenance feature all year long.
Flowers are terrific for use in both fresh or dry floral arrangements retaining their colour over a long period.

This NEW variety of Catmint requires litle pruning 
forming a mound of aromatic grey/green foliage. A fast growing excellent selection with a much tidier and low mounding habit. Height 30cm x Spread 60cm it is ideal for pots or a garden border. PURRSIAN BLUE has masses of lavender blue flower spikes late spring continuing through summer and autumn.
Low maintenance and easy to grow. Once established requires pruning up to half its size after the first main flush to encourage further flowering. Can be heavily cut back in winter to encourage dense, fresh growth in spring. Apply a slow release fertiliser in spring to encourage profuse flowering.



Unlike most Foxgloves which come and go within six weeks, Illumination Foxgloves can flower for up to an incredible six months. What is more, they are multi branched so there is good bulk. The iridescent flowers carry on over two seasons, and the plant will last for many years.
Digiplexis look best grouped toward the middle or back of a bed, where their tall towers of blossoms add beautiful colour and vertical interest. In the Dandenongs they remain evergreen and low growing foliage rosettes are rather handsome. And they flowered from November to April.

Foxglove ‘Illumination Firecracker’ is an innovative cross between common Digitalis purpurea, and a rare plant from the Canary Islands, Isoplexis canariensis, the cross has become known as Digiplexis. The resulting plant is strong growing with excellent resistance to rust and fungal spotting and boast plenty of blooms. They are semi evergreen, rather than biennial and the crown will last for many years.

Plant into well drained soil and keep moist in active growth. Remove spent flowers to encourage more blooms.
Fabulous Indoor Plants and Pots to brighten up your day. Create a lush life filled with inspiration from Botanical Creations

Begonia 'Bewitched Pink' in Grey Orchid Pot

A striking cultivar of the ever-popular Begonia rex with vivid pink/red foliage and deep burgundy veins.

Prefers a free-draining media in filtered light. Tolerates tropical conditions and is frost tender. Avoid leaving water on the leaves. Highly ornamental leaves are typically dark in the centre with purplish, silver margins. Height 30-40cm.

Sweet Potatoes

Grow your own fresh and fragrant rosemary at home, and enjoy full flavoured dishes every day. Native to the Mediterranean, this fragrant herb produces woody, evergreen, needle like, dark green leaves and beautiful deep blue flowers. It can be easily grown in pots or as a decoration for garden edges. This delicious plant is milder than other varieties and can be used fresh or dry in a variety of meat dishes, vinegars and oils.

Plant it in well cultivated soil and sunshine to benefit from a bountiful garden.

Height 1m x Width 1m

Tomato & Vegetable Dust
Can be used on tomatoes, broccoli, zucchinis & other vegetables
A ready to use dust that kills and controls some of the major pests and diseases on tomatoes and vegetables. A dual action insecticide and fungicide that kills and controls caterpillars, cabbage white butterfly, aphids, powdery mildew & target spot. Ideal to use in this current humid weather.

400g/kg Sulphur (S) present as elemental sulphur
40g/kg Copper (Cu) present as copper oxychloride
0.25g/kg Spinosad


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