19th Nov 2021

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Underplant with catmint and yellow buttons.
An excellent healthy and compact floribunda of the brightest unfading yellow. Free blooming and good fragrance.
A real goldern beauty perfect for a sunny spot and grows to 1.2m tall.
With a mass display of lavender blue flower spikes this compact variety is ideal for containers and perfect for mixed borders with roses.  This catmint forms a mound of aromatic grey/green foliage appearing in late spring continuing through summer and autumn. It is fast growing for low maintenance. 30cm x Spread 60cm Full Sun to Part Shade
Prune up to half its size after the first main flush to encourage a dense habit and further flowering. Can be heavily cut back in winter to encourage dense, fresh growth in spring.
Silver Sunburst is a selected form of Chrysocephalum apiculatum which produces an abundance of dainty bright golden button flowers in clusters above the broad silver foliage from spring to early summer.
Grows best in full sun and will tolerate part shade. It is adaptable to most well drained moist soils, and requires summer watering when conditions are very dry, will tolerate light frost. Ideal for rockery plantings and can be used along pathways to create a colourful low level border.

HEIGHT 0.3-0.4M WIDTH 0.3-0.4M

Blues and gold filled with inspiration -Carolyn


Luculia 'Early Dawn' are a beatiful semi-evergreen shrub with large, soft leaves and sweetly scented light pink flowers which are produced in early Winter. Luculia 'Early Dawn' make a great addition to any home garden!

Plant in a well draining soil and protect from frost and excessive sun. Trim old flowers to promote new growth and fertilize with a good quality organic fertilizer. 

Clerodendrum Bleeding Heart
Clerodendrum is a plant origionally from West Africa that grows with tendrils on a trellis or other support. Prune away dead or wayward growth in winter before new growth appears in spring. Flowers spring to Autumn.
200mm pot 
$34.99 each
Lovely Christmas Decos! 
Come and check out our range of unique Christmas decorations in store, something to spruce up this years display.

Terrarium Room Now Open!

Our terrarium room is now open. We have a number of terrariums ready to take home for your indoor space, or they also make a great gift. Alternatively, make your own terrarium with our range of baby indoor plants, pebbles, and potting mix. 

Position your terrarium in a bright spot away from direct sun. Water only when the soil appears slightly dry, if the soil is sticking to the glass you can leave the watering for now. Water enough to wet the soil but the terrarium shouldn't be sitting in water after a couple of hours. Open terrariums will require watering weekly to monthly depending on the plants and its environment. Closed terrariums require less watering and maintenance as they have a self contained environment. 

Tamarillo - Tree Tomato
 The tamarillo, sometimes called the Tree Tomato, is a member of the solanaceae family, which also includes other staples like regular tomatoes, eggplants, capsicums and potatoes. It isn’t all that well known here in Oz, although if you ask a relative or friend from New Zealand, they will soon want to be your best bud when they hear you have a tree which is covered with these delicious fruits.

The tamarillo is a fast growing, but short lived small tree, lasting only 5 to 7 years. However fruit can be expected in 18 months from planting. You don’t get much faster results than that when it comes to perennial plants. For a longer lived tree (approximately 15 years) grow a grafted tamarillo.

When planting your tree, it is important to know that they are a shallow rooted plant and will prefer to have some space all to themselves. Choose a sunny spot that has some protection against hot wind and good drainage is essential. If you live in a frosty area that drops below -3ºC, consider putting a light cover over your tree in winter time. If there is any damage to the soft fleshy growth, just tip out these shoots and your tree will recover without too much worry. Tamarillos can also be grown in large pots. Expect your tree to get approximately 2-3metres tall and 1-2 metres wide. Lop seedling grown plants at the 1m tall stage, as they need some encouragement to grow bushy.

Tamarillos produce loads of edible egg shaped fruits, these first appear in early autumn, but can take up until September to ripen in Melbourne. The harvest time can vary, however once the fruit turns to a rich red, you’ll know when to start cutting them off, and don’t forget to leave a small stalk. The fresh fruit can be kept in the fridge for up to 8 weeks.

Protect Your Fruit Trees

Insect Exlusion Net - With a 2mm hole size, this netting will keep all mammal and insect pests out of an area, without harming birds or reptiles which can get stuck in large hole sizes.
Great for use over the top of a full tree, suspended over a veggie patch, or any other place where you need to exclude pests. Made from UV stable HDPE, 5x5m

Fruit Protection Sleeve - These are blind-end bags that you can slip over single branches to protect specific groups of fruit. This can be a much easier way to keep fruits protected as they develop, while still keeping access to the tree (and without the difficulty of netting an entire tree).


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124 Grange rd Carnegie
ph (03) 95719922
Only closed DEC 25-26th JAN 1st. 
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