Tropical Vibe! & Spectacular Foliage

Tropical Vibe! & Spectacular Foliage

3rd Feb 2023

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Wishing for a tropical oasis??
Create the vibe in a sunny area of your garden or patio!

Hibiscus Flaming Glory have extra large vibrant single red flowers flowers and attractive dark green glossy foliage. Tropical flowers are on show throughout the warmer months on compact busy plants. Plant in moist, well drained soil in a sunny position. Ideal for large patio pots, garden borders and makes a showy garden hedge or screen.
Prune well and fertilise regularly to maintain shape and promote new growth.
2m x 1m or smaller in a pot. 


Strelitzia reginae will add a definite tropical-paradise feel to any garden or pot. Commonly known as the Bird of Paradise, Strelitzia reginae is a large, evergreen plant that produces long-stalked leaves with striking orange and blue flowers that resemble an exotic bird. These stunning flowers appear on long stems during spring and summer, and provide a stunning contrast against the blue-green foliage.  The flowers and foliage are also used in flower arrangements indoors which last for months. Plant in an area of full sun to part shade
1.5 x 1.5 m.


Commonly known as 'Day Lily', members of this family are known world wide for their hardiness, beauty and reliability and H. 'Stella Bella' is no exception. The golden yellow flowers are produced in great quantities on 50cm long stems. In addition to its beauty this particular variety stands apart from the rest in its remarkable ability to bloom and re-bloom for up to six months of the year. Foliage is strap-like reaching approximately 40cm in height and, unlike many other varieties in the family, is evergreen. A truly rewarding plant for the novice and experienced gardener alike.

 Vivid Colour filled with Inspiration- Carolyn

Spectacular Variegated Foliage

Maranta 'Red Vein'
A stunning indoor plant perfect for you adding colour to your colleCtion! Plant thrives in ample indirect sunlight, high humidity and evenly moist soil.

As the name suggest, the Red-veined Prayer plant bears green foliage with strong red striped markings. Often these plants 'pray' and move with the change in lighting. These compact growing plants make perfect tabletop and shelf plants.

Calathea warscewiczii
Jungle Velvet Calathea belongs to the Calathea species and is botanically known as Calathea Warscewiczii. It is a flowering tropical plant recognized for its prominent, velvety two-toned leaves. The top of the leaf is dark and light green, making a fish-tailed pattern, whereas the lower side is maroon or burgundy. The plant is a perennial house plant migrated from tropical jungles of central and south America. It booms indoors with minimal but regular care. Calathea Warscewiczii’s plant care basic requirements are indirect bright light, warm temperatures, and high humidity.

Calathea 'Medalion'
Calathea Medallion features deep green leaves stripped with white. Suitable for larger pots, in the office or indoors
Maintenance: Keep moist and grow in free draining potting mix or soil. Will tollerate low water consuption.
Watering: Water when soil feels dry or plant starts to droop.
Keep soil moist but not wet, watering more in summer and less in winter.


NEW Zenzi Mini  in Punto Leg Planter

'Zenzi Mini' is a dwarf variety of the favourite Zanzibar Gem or ZZ Plant. This variety has compact glossy leaves up its thick stem. Zanzibars are the perfect indoor plant for the forgetful waterer as they are known to ‘thrive on neglect’. Water once a month in winter and twice a month in summer with a liquid fertiliser to boost growth during the warmer months. They also tolerate lower light conditions, perfect for an office space, home or a GIFT that is EASY care.
Pair with the Punto Leg Planter for bold white and blue spots and cute little legs.

Chilli Birdseye

 The Bird’s Eye are generally red at maturity, but may also be yellow, purple or black. They are very popular in asian dishes, and with heat almost similar to habenero, they add quite a punch to many types of dishes, including pastas, soups, sauces, dips, and more.

Historically the hot pepper has been used as a natural remedy for arthritis, rheumatism and toothache, and they may be used as an insect repellent when mixed with water.

Perfect in your garden or a pot, this plant is happiest in a sunny to partly-shaded spot in moist, well-draining soil and protected from frost. Fruting during summer and autumn.

Height 30cm x 20cm 


4 for $80
or $21.99 each

Apart from the usual benefits of mulching, such as retaining soil moisture and keeping weeds at bay, straw mulches are fantastic for boosting the quality, water holding capacity and nutrition of your soil.

Lucerne is rich in potassium, calcium, iron and folic acid. It also increases the nitrogen in the soil. It is the quickest mulch to break down and improve the soil and would benefit from reapplication every six months.

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124 Grange rd Carnegie
PH (03) 95719922
Only closed DEC 25-26th JAN 1st. 
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