We HEART Valentine's Day

We HEART Valentine's Day

10th Feb 2023

We are OPEN INSTORE 9-5pm Mon-Sat, 10-5pm Sun or ONLINE 

Shop Online Today @ botanicalcreations.com.au
Living plants make for the best Valentine's Day Gifts!
Low maintenance and beautiful all year-round, these heart-shaped leaves are sure to impress

Heart-Leaf Philodendron
Chain of Hearts
Hoya 'Kerrii'

Lagerstroemia 'Sioux' is full of mid pink flowers this time of year. In my book, Crepe Myrtles are the best tree floral display. They love the hot summer sun. A showy, narrow-growing small tree with masses of intense pink flowers in summer, highly ornamental bark and very good autumn colour. An adaptable and disease resistant plant suitable for a wide range of situations.
Feature tree 4m X 3m.

Plum Gorgeous is a dramatic look, as it retains its rich foliage colour year round giving contrast to greenery at mid level in the garden. The deepest, darkest coloured foliage found amongst the Loropetalums, growing to 1.5m. With vivid deep raspberry coloured, tasseled flowers, it offers an interesting floral display during spring and autumn. With a naturally dense, domed habit, it is easy to grow with minimal maintenance.

Salvia Fashion Burgundy produces hundreds of blooms at a time with lush green foliage and contrasting dark stems for an intense garden display. The bees, butterflies and honey eater birds love this variety with its tubular flowers well situated in a sunny spot with well-drained soil. With a modest garden height to 60cm it will only require annual pruning to encourage growth in the spring. 

Fab Feature Trees & Pretty Pink Blooms filled with Inspiration- Carolyn

The First of the Cyclamen are NOW IN!

Cyclamen are a spectacular, small bulb perennial that would make the perfect Valentine's Day Gift for months and months of constant colour
Just $14.99
or $19.99 with a tin


Watermelon Peperomia in Vera Pot Black

The Watermelon Peperomia is a striking indoor plant with foliage that resembles the outside of a watermelon.  This Peperomia has a moderate growth habit, producing regular 8 to 10cm round leaves from the centre. Older or excess leaves can be removed from the base to control shape. Position in a bright room away from direct sunlight for optimal growth. Potting mix should be allowed to almost dry between waterings. 

Instagram Inspiration
Gorgeous weather to look around the nursery!

Holy Basil - Tulsi

An easy to grow annual that has a spicy clove like aroma and has religious significance to many Indians.

Holy basil  is a herb that enchances other herbs and should be added just prior to serving. Harvest regularly, the more you harvest the longer it will last. Do not allow to go to flower and harvest all leaves as the late autumn cold sets in. Mix with geranium nutmeg, Mexican tarragon and the lime balm for an aromatic herbal tea.
This quick growing herb likes fertile moist soil in part to full sun. Will grow well in any veggie garden and also in small or large pots. Holy basil won’t tolerate frost or sudden cold snaps. Height 50cm x Width 50cm

Citrus Leaf-Miner

Citrus leaf-miner is a grub of a small moth which burrows under the cuticle of new autumn-growth citrus leaves and distorts and curls them.
This unsightly pest damage can be prevented by spraying new autumn foliage with an oil spray like Eco-Pest Oil as the moth will avoid laying eggs on the oily surface.

The only thing to be done about growth already affected is to trim it off the plant and feed with Fruit & Citrus Food to encourage new growth which you can then treat with oil to prevent the grubs.


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PH (03) 95719922
Only closed DEC 25-26th JAN 1st. 
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