Autumn Azalea
Azalea are starting to bloom. There are many different groups of Azaleas The large-flowered Indica azaleas are best known in cultivation as Belgium hybrids because most were bred in Belgium in the 1880s.
So their popularity has stood up to the test of time.
Large flowers on compact plants makes them a real show stopper for a shady area.
Always add Groganic to sandy soils and fertilise with Azalea and Camellia Food to acidify the soil. If you don’t they will go hungry and thirsty over summer.
Feed them and water them well and they will reward you in return.
Charlie ( pictures) is a shade loving Azalea which features masses of hot pink, double blooms from late autumn through to spring. It is looking vibrant against the dark burgundy foliage of Loropetalum Plum Gorgeous which also loves the shade.
Loropetalum come into flower in spring after Azaleas have finished flowering. So this combination is a great way to spread flowering time in a shady garden.
Autumn colour filled with inspiration.
Perfect for the shade!