Carnivourous Plants, Powerful Purples & Spotty Begonias

Carnivourous Plants, Powerful Purples & Spotty Begonias

2nd Dec 2022

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Polka Dot Begonia in Doric Cement Pot Sage

Begonia maculata or the Polka Dot Begonia is a striking indoor plant with its large green leaves marked with amazing white polka dots. The contrasting undersides of the leaves can vary from red to purple. Clusters of pink flowers are produced on a single stem year round. 

Place in a bright spot indoors away from direct sun as it can burn the leaves. Water when soil feels dry, watering more in summer than winter.  

Pair with this sage green pot for a perfect gift or addition to your indoor jungle!


Commonly called trumpet pitcher plants, gobble guts lure and collect insects in their tall pitchers and slowly dissolve their nutrients to survive. They will eat any insect brave enough to enter their pitchers! Best grown in full sun to part shade and will undergo a winter dormancy in which they must be heavily chopped back to gain energy for the next spring growing season. Never fertilize and only pot in sphagnum or peat moss. Keep moist

Our most popular carnivorous plant is back! The venus fly traps will close and trap any insect that enters its mouth and digest it for nutrients, how cool is that?! Venus fly traps do best with full sun, ideally outside or in a very bright indoor spot. Never fertilise, keep wet and must only be potted in peat or sphagnum moss.

Purple Power!
Stunning Full-Sun Trio

Majestic display of long flowering stems topped by large, showy royal purple floral spikes. Tough, dry tolerant and fast growing. Extremely long flowering, all the way from summer to autumn.

Fantastic for attracting birds and butterflies to your garden and encouraging polinators
Aromatic foliage when crushed or handled.
H 1.2m x W 80cm

This exciting new Polygala introduction offers excellent garden attributes, making it ideal for a wide range of conditions. A naturally dwarf evergreen shrub with glaucous grey green leaves. It flowers heavily with its main flush in spring/summer, and continuously throughout the remainder of the year (depending on location and local conditions) with pretty mauve/purple pea like flowers.
Heat and frost hardy, this tough plant is ideal for a wide range of domestic and commercial landscapes. Plant in a well drained soil. Prefers a full sun location for optimum results. Although naturally compact, prune to shape if desired after main flowering period, and feed with a slow release general purpose fertiliser.
Little Bibi has low water use once established in the garden or landscape. Gret for low borders and hedging or containers to brighten up entertainment areas.
H 1m x W 1m


Alstroemerias, or Princess Lillies, are a stunning range of plants. They will flower for around 9 months of the year and form a dense mounding habit. New foliage shoots up from below the surface in a tight format to create a thick mass of foliage and flowers.
Once the plants are established, they flower from August till April and produce large flowers that are great for floral arrangements as they last a long time once picked.
'Indigo' is a spectacular deep purple colour and will look fantastic in pots, mixed garden beds or given as a gift with our free gift wrapping!
H 40cm x W 40cm

Beautiful blooms filled with Inspiration- Carolyn

Family of fish just floating around this morning! Create a feature in your garden today.
See the full range of floating ornaments HERE and our range of birdbaths HERE

Instagram Inspiration
Have a wander around the nursery! 

Delicious Dill

Dill is a very attractive, feathery herb grown both for its leaves and its seeds. It is also a good food source for beneficial insects. The leaves are best eaten before the plant runs to seed. The leaves have a delicate tangy flavour and a wonderful aroma which goes really well with fish, eggs, and poultry. Best used fresh and added towards the end of any cooking process. The aroma and attractive feathery texture makes it one of the best garnishes in the kitchen. It is particularly good in salad dressings and in oils and butters, or through cream cheese.

Today, dill is known mostly for its culinary uses, but its history goes back to the Middle Ages, where it was often mentioned in writing. In medieval times, dill was associated with superstitious beliefs and magic. Placing dill above the door was reputed to ward against witches and sorcery. Its name was taken from the term ‘dilla’ which means ‘to lull’ in deference to the lulling of discomfort associated with digestive disorders, particularly in children.

Dill is a hardy plant that is relatively easy to grow, as long as it has a full sun aspect. It tolerates many different soil types and growing conditions across Australia. However, it will do best in soils that are moist and rich in organic matter. The plants mature and flower during the summer months, so watering and mulch for water retention is required. A warm summer suits them best, but dill plants are tolerant of the cold in frost-free areas.

Dill is considered to be a good companion plant for cucumber, lettuce, cabbage and onions. It is a poor companion for carrots and tomatoes.

We have a big range of potting mixes and soil amendments for every plant type and gardener.

Peat and Sphagnum Moss are great for potting up plants that like it wet such as carnivourous plants like Venus Fly Traps and Pitcher Plants.

Horticultural Charcoal will remove any bad smells from sitting water so it's a good addition to the bottom of any terrarium, particularly ones with plants that don't mind wet feet like Maidenhair Ferns.


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124 Grange rd Carnegie
PH (03) 95719922
Only closed DEC 25-26th JAN 1st. 
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