Create Pops of Colour Tropics Indoors

Create Pops of Colour Tropics Indoors

25th Feb 2023

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Create a Tough Tropical Paradise Indoors
Diefenbachia - Dumbcanes

These super hardy indoor plants will bring a touch of the tropics to your home with their large, variegated thick foliage.
Dumbcanes will do well in a brightly lit spot out of direct sun, and as they require very little maintenance they make the perfect gift for novices and experienced indoor plant growers alike.
Check watering weekly and only top up when the pot is dry, and fertilise twice a year with a slow release fertiliser like Maxicrop Complete Organic

This cheerful combo could go in a pot or a sunny spot in the garden. 


 Mandevilla offer a pop of flower colour and are superb in the heat!
Costa del Sol Marbella have a naturally compact habit making them ideal for patio pots. Stunning red trumpet flowers occur throughout the warmer months over shiny evergreen foliage. The Marbella series will perform best if grown in a sunny position in moist but free draining soil. They can cope with short periods of drought. In cold areas during winter the plant may partially defoliate but will regrow in spring.


We are a huge ‘fans’ of Scaevola! These gorgeous little evergreen plants are easy care and seem to flower forever, well at least from spring to autumn. The bushy foliage forms a neat 25cm round ball creating a stunning border. Scaevola are native to Australia’s east coast and thrive in a variety of conditions. They are a great choice if you are looking to encourage birds and beneficial insects to your garden. They are dry tolerant once established and require a well drained soil. The plants are super low maintenance and require simply dead heading to encourage more flowering.

Silver Falls is the common name for Dichondra argentea, a low ground cover to 10cm. The name Silver Falls comes from the unique colouring of the leaves, a silvery pale green.  It is especially popular in hanging baskets because of its trailing foliage and perfect for trailing over the edge of pots. It is  fabulous the way it spreads and covers an area vigorously and quickly as well as for its low-maintenance nature. Best in at least a half day of sun. 

 Heat loving colour and contrast filled with Inspiration- Carolyn

Parlour Palm in Nova Planter Cotta

These super tall and lush Parlour Palms look great in these terracotta coloured pots. Perfect for a desk or bedside table!

Requiring very little attention and tolerating a wide range of light conditions, Parlour Palms are one of the toughest indoor plants. Allow soil to dry out slightly between watering, especially in the cooler months. Position in a bright room away from direct sunlight for best results, although the Parlour Palm will also tolerate lower light conditions. Liquid feed with Maxicrop every couple of weeks to promote growth. Parlour palms are also non-toxic to pets. 


Instagram Inspiration
Amazing Parlour Palms and Scindapsus 'Goldilocks'!

Tilly the Fairy has arrived!
Delightful indoors or out as she doesn't mind the weather.
$29.99 15cm x 9cm  

Perpetual Spinach

The longest lasting spinach.  It can produce constantly for over a year.  With classic green leaves and red stems make a great addition to the veggie patch.

This is a real multi tasking vegetable that can be used in salads, stir-fries and steamed as a side dish. Use in salads with a mixture of sweet herbs like mint, lemon verbena and lime juice. Spinach is known to be high in iron.

Plant in a sunny position in well drained but moist soil. Does well in large pots. Harvest young leaves regularly and remove flower stems as they appear. Can tolerate moderate frost.

Height 45cm x Width 35cm

Time to Feed & Resow the Lawn

Approaching autumn is the perfect time to feed your existing lawn or reseed areas that have become sparse over summer.
Turbo Patch Repair Seed is a great value hardy blend of grass species that will do well all year round in the sun in Melbourne and includes a lawn starter feed.
If you have a shadier area that only gets morning sun or is under a large tree, try the Sun or Shade Lawn Seed.
For existing lawns, Weed'n'Feed is a great all in one product to knock out common broad leaf lawn weeds while feeding and boosting your lawn. Not safe for Buffalo lawns.


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PH (03) 95719922
Only closed DEC 25-26th JAN 1st. 
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