Floral Frenzy - Colours of the Rainbow

Floral Frenzy - Colours of the Rainbow

8th Jul 2022


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A truckload of brand new seasonal colour has just arrived in store. Brighten up your winter garden with loads of colours to choose from
Parlour Palm in Conner Cover Pot

A graceful palm featuring a cluster of stems out of which shoot luscious dark green fronds. Parlour palms are one of the toughest indoor plants. They require very little attention and make a great addition to any home or office. Allow soil to dry out slightly between watering and position in a bright room away from direct sunlight for best results.

Floral Frenzy

 Camellia Moonshine's flowers are large, soft pink in colour, ageing to near white. Flowering starts in late autumn and continues throughout winter. Moonshine is a beautiful Camellia, upright growth, lots of flowers and will naturally grow to approximately 2-3m. 
 Camellias grow best in well drained soils. After planting, mulch well & water regularly until established. Once established, Camellia plants are surprisingly drought hardy.
Height: 2-3m Spacing: 1.5m 
Full sun/part shade

An early flowering Lavender that features large violet flowers that create a splash of welcome colour. As with the other 'lace' Lavenders, this plant has a tight, compact habit, aromatic grey foliage and bears its flowers on stems that sit proudly above the plant. A wonderful addition to modern cottage flower gardens and pot displays alike. 
HEIGHT: 60cm SPREAD: 80cm

Bacopa has simple, rounded flowers and comes in various colours in single and double forms. They bloom for many months, beginning in spring, and like a sunny position, though can also grow in part-shade. They are excellent plants for creating a soft and flowery effect, especially for cascading over walls and baskets. A vibrant colour ground cover great for containers or tubs, hanging baskets and tree or shrub underplanting.

HEIGHT: 5cm WIDTH:1.5m


         Winter Florals Filled with Inspiration- Carolyn

Bouquet Tin
Lasting longer than any bunch of flowers, Bouquet Tins are a great easy gift that you won't find elsewhere. Plant out the three colour pots, keep as is inside for a short period, or leave out on a patio. This versatile combo is fresh and seasonal. Colours vary by availability and we are always happy to customise the plants to your taste. When the flowers are done you are left with a multi-purpose tin, to house a plant or for something else. 

Purple Asparagus

Asparagus plants have interesting feathery green foliage. 

A popular and easy to grow vegetable. Takes a year or two from planting to start cropping but once started it will give great results. Pick the spring shoots when they are 20cm long and you should get 3 months cropping for the next 20 years. 

Purple Asparagus has a sweet flavour that works well with traditional root vegetables or lightly cooked with standard salad vegetables like cherry tomatoes. Partners well with garlic, dill, smoked salmon, mushrooms, ham and other strong flavoured meats.

Asparagus likes moist, well drained soil and can tolerate part to full sun. Generous applications of Maxicrop from spring through to late autumn will keep it cropping well. Prune to the ground in late autumn. 

Instagram Inspiration
Heaps of annual flower colour just in!

4 for $80
or $21.99 each

Apart from the usual benefits of mulching, such as retaining soil moisture and keeping weeds at bay, straw mulches are fantastic for boosting the quality, water holding capacity and nutrition of your soil.

Lucerne is rich in potassium, calcium, iron and folic acid. It also increases the nitrogen in the soil. It is the quickest mulch to break down and improve the soil and would benefit from reapplication every six months.

Pea straw is high in nitrogen, significantly improves soil microbiology and provides excellent worm food. Spread it 4-10cm deep on new beds and 2-4cm if refreshing beds previously mulched. Reapply every 9 - 12 months..

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