NEW TERRARIUMS, Colourful Natives & Carrots

NEW TERRARIUMS, Colourful Natives & Carrots

30th Sep 2022

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We have a great range of premade terrariums perfect for gifts or your home or office. Alternatively make your own with our selection of glass vases, terrarium plants, pebbles and potting mixes.

Terrariums thrive best in a bright room away from direct sunlight. Closed terrariums generally require less work as their environment becomes self contained, keep them barely moist otherwise the plants may rot from heavy condensation. Open terrariums require watering weekly to monthly. If the soil appears wet and sticks to the glass, the terrarium does not require watering just yet. 

A combo of native Australian plants offers wonderful foliage and everlasting flowers. 

Happy Wanderer

A fast-growing, evergreen climber with leathery, dark green leaves. In winter and spring it produces a mass of showy, rich violet-mauve, pea-like flowers.

Ideal for covering fences, walls and pergolas. Makes a colourful, vigorous ground cover.

Grow in a sunny position in free draining soil. Tolerant of most soils and conditions, some shade and light frosts. Responds well to hard pruning. Keep moist in dry weather.

H3m x W3m

Wax Flower

A rounded, evergreen bush with aromatic, leathery leaves. In spring the shrub is almost completely covered with white, waxy, star-like flowers, which open from pink buds.

Ideal for coastal planting, native gardens and shrubberies.

Grows best in dappled shade, but tolerates full sun. Hardy to extended periods of dryness and light frost. Avoid wet, boggy sites. Responds well to light or heavy pruning.

H2m x W2m


Low growing spreading native perennial with pale purple daisy-like flowers and fine foliage. Flowers heavily during Spring and again in Autumn.

Mass plantings for eye catching colour. Cottage gardens, windowboxes, hanging baskets & pots. Rockeries and between pavers.

Plant in a full sun position in free draining soil rich in organic matter. Tolerates most soil types and planting conditions including seaside and alkaline soil. 

Mulch and water well during extended dry periods. Clip to deadhead and encourage a new flush of flowers mid season.

H45-50cm x W50cm

 Native foliage and flowers filled with Inspiration- Carolyn

Calathea Insignis with
'Bloom Where You are Planted' Pot!

Calathea lancifolia insignis

A low growing plant which features short stems with light green foliage, highlighted by dark green spots and a deep purple beneath the leaf. Position in a place in a medium to low light position. Water when soil feels dry or plant starts to droop. Keep soil moist but not wet, watering more in summer and less in winter. Fertilise regularly during the growing season. A slow growing plant, ideal for smaller pots and can be repotted into a larger pot once it has outgrown its current container. Tolerates low light and fairly low water.


The weird and wonderful Kalanchoe 'Tarantula' is unlike any other plant in its succulent leaf shape and showy flower combination. Leaves could be described as 'spidery' thus the name, and plants are in flower right now, boasting fluorescent delicate blooms. Perfect for a gift or as a little office plant or kitchen window companion. It is a succulent so you don't need to provide much water, and a really bright spot indoors at this time of year will help keep it lush and in flower.

Instagram Inspiration 
Terrariums galore!

Carrot Baby Mix
Great flavour, easy to grow.
This is a mixed punnet of yellow, orange, purple and white baby carrots. Best grown in full sun in friable soil. To stop Carrot Baby mix from knotting, avoid planting them into the soil which has recently been conditioned with animal manure or compost. Compost and manures should be added well in advanced of planting.
Harvest should begin between 6 - 8 weeks of planting. Fertilise with maxicrop seaweed fertiliser. 
Make sure you allow 5-10cm space for planting, try not to overcrowd. 

A few extra tips for growing carrots

Make sure you remove all debris like stones rocks from the soil, this will ensure your carrots arent mishapen. Avoid  planting directly into really heavy soil, always use a well matured compost and prepare garden bed in advance of planting. A good deep top layer of compost will help.

Happy planting : )

Propagate Your Favourite Plants With Cuttings
What you will need?

Snipping shears - to take soft wood cuttings. Having fine shears like these makes taking neat cuttings much easier
Cutting powder - to dip your cuttings in and encourage new root development
Propagation mix - to give your cuttings the best possible environment to grow in


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