Wonderful Wax Flowers & Welcome to the Jungle!

Wonderful Wax Flowers & Welcome to the Jungle!

15th Sep 2023

HOURS 9-5pm Mon-Sat, 10-5pm Sun or ONLINE 

Shop Online Today @ botanicalcreations.com.au

Stunning New Native Flowers


Lomandra 'Lime Tuff' is a striking and ornamental plant known for its unique foliage and vibrant green coloration. It is a cultivar of the Lomandra species. This perennial grass-like plant features long, narrow, lime-green leaves that grow in dense clumps, providing an attractive and low-maintenance option for landscaping and garden design. Lomandra Lime Tuff is drought-tolerant and thrives in various soil types, making it a popular choice for adding a pop of color and texture to gardens, borders, or container plantings. Its distinctive appearance and adaptability make it a sought-after choice for both novice and experienced gardeners.

60cm W x 60cm H
Full Sun - Part Shade


Prostanthera 'Purple Haze' is a small evergreen shrub with a dense growth habit and a spectacular display of purple flowers during late winter and early spring. Prefers full sun but will tolerate part dappled shade in most well drained moist soils, and requires summer watering when dry. Great for rockeries, pathways or even tubs on the patio. Use a slow release Native Fertiliser to help establish the plant. Mulching around the base of the plant will help retain moisture and suppress weeds.

H 40cm x W 50cm
Full sun - Dappled Shade


Chorizema varium or Flame Pea is a compact growing small shrub which bares masses of flame orange and pink pea like flowers above holly like foliage. Attracting colourful seed and nectar-loving birds, various insects, it is a welcome addition to the garden. Flowering occurs sporadically throughout the year with main flowering in Spring. Tolerant of alkaline soils. Tip prune young plants after flowering to maintain a dense habit. Mulch around the base of the plant to preserve moisture over the drier months of the year.

H 75cm x W 1m
Full sun - Part shade

More Flowering Natives Filled with Inspiration - Carolyn

Wax Flowers

Chamelaucium sp.

Australian native plants are renowned for their hardiness, once established, and can provide a brilliant display whilst many exotic plants are out of season. Attracting colourful seed and nectar-loving birds, various insects to assist in pollination and perhaps even a lizard or skink searching for a sheltered resting place, these plants are a welcome asset to any garden.

Excellent for dry areas and water wise gardens
Australian native and cottage style gardens
Decorative container, long lasting in arrangements

Welcome to our indoor jungle!

Wonderful indoor foliage is everywhere inside the shop!

From philodendron and fatsia, to ficus and fern,
come look inside for what you so yearn.
Pair your rare cactus with one of our Scallop Pots!

Make sure to plant your cacti in succulent potting mix and put in a bright sunny position.
These plants may be kept in small pots for many years!

Instagram Inspiration
Stunning native shrubs, trees & wildflowers in the sunshine

Cucumber 'Lebanese'

Lebanese cucumbers are long and cylindrical in shape with dark green skin, white flesh and a crisp texture. They are smaller, and have smoother skin and a sweeter flavour than the common cucumber. 

When selecting the right cucumber for you there are a few things to consider. Regular or burpless, small or large, long or round. The regular cucumbers generally have a bitter skin that requires peeling, whereas you can eat the skin of a burpless and remain indigestion-free. The skin is very good for you!

Cucumbers require a consistently moist, compost rich soil in an open sunny spot. They are a sprawling vine that may be grown up a trellis or wire frame if you wish. Compact cucumber varieties are suitable for pots. Cucumbers should be picked regularly to encourage more flowers and fruit.

They are prone to fungal diseases in humid weather, so avoid overhead watering.

Systemic Control for Sap-Sucking Insects

Sucking insects have started to invade once more, especially indoors where humidity is higher and temperatures are more stable.
Keep an eye out particularly for aphids, azalea lace bug, and mealy bugs (pictured above).

Conguard gives 3-4 weeks residual control of aphids, lace bug, mealybug, pysllids, hibiscus beetle, scales and thrips. This highly effective product is great for use on shrubs, pot plants, ornamentals and roses.

Conguard is designed to kill pests both on contact and systemically via plant saps. When spraying affected plants, spray pests on the top and under sides of leaves for greater control.

- Low toxicity systemic and contact spray.
- Broad range of insects - aphids, azalea lace bug, greenhouse thrips, hibiscus flower beetle, mealybugs, psyllids, sap sucking insects (including bronze orange bug), green peach aphid and scale.
- Suitable for indoor & outdoor use.
- Convenient RTU (Ready to use) spray bottle. No mixing required.
- Fast and effective insect control
- It is important to apply as per directions for effective control.
Active Constituents:
0.125 g/L Imidacloprid

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